
People enjoyed this message for frustrated employers looking for the ‘perfect candidate’

Over in the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ this message aimed at frustrated employers looking for the ‘perfect job candidate’ has just gone viral.

‘Found this on LinkedIn, what do you guys think of it?’ said Redditor kaze0219 who shared it.

And it struck a chord, it really stuck a chord.

‘It drives me crazy how many jobs these days expect people that won’t require training. That’s literally impossible. Every company has it’s own rules, processes, and applications which require someone new to learn. There will always be a learning curve, no matter who you hire.’

‘Half the people I’ve worked with have needed REtraining, now they’re expecting people to not need the first lot.’

‘I’m so so tired of all the job ads looking for experienced people, but never disclosing pay, not offering WFH, having all those dumb expressions like “hit the ground running” or being a “teamplayer”. Shut up. It’s not that no one wants to work anymore, it’s that process has gotten so needlessly complicated and cold that no one wants to deal with it anymore.’

‘I think it’s true that searching for perfectly qualified candidates is partly what’s preventing employers from filling positions more quickly. Of course other reasons are hugely at play as well like not paying enough, etc.

‘In my experience, employers only like the sound of “teachable” for entry level. If they decide they want a senior position filled, they’ll look for ages for someone with exact experience. And maybe never find the person. I watched my employers go through this. Stupid really. “Hit the ground running” without taking time to get to know things first and you just end up breaking things, lol.’

‘Having multiple interviews, personality tests, testing every bodily fluid, background checks. In the end none of it has yet to produce perfect employees. So do away with it. I have walked from a lot of interviews over nonsense requirements like these.’

‘The irony of these long application and hiring processes is that the great candidates will more than likely be offered a different position because they will be snatched up while they wait for the application to process. This then just leaves lesser candidates that are unlikely to receive multiple offers over a short time period.

‘So by having a long application process you almost guarantee that the quality of employees you eventually hire will always be second class talent at best.

‘The alternative is that you DO hire a great candidate but because you took so long to do so they were able to pump out a bunch of other applications simultaneously and one of those also offers them a position with a better rate so your great candidates often leave within 1 month of starting.’


This entitled restaurant customer’s demand for a refund is a proper jaw-dropper
Source Reddit u/kaze0219