Weird World

Theology has never seen anything quite like this young boy’s fantastic bunny crucifixion drawing

Depending on your religion, age and geographical location, Easter can bring quite a range of imagery to mind, from Jesus rising again to marzipan cakes to giant rabbits bearing gifts of chocolate, and more.

Over on Twitter, The Fig Economy shared a photo of his son’s Easter drawing, which – how can we put this? – created an Easter hybrid, complete with speech bubbles.

It’s quite something.

We’re not sure the crucifixion scene has ever been depicted with bunnies before, but it certainly deserves a closer look.

Bunny thief 1 – ‘Gemme outta here’, ‘I shouldn’t die’

Bunny thief 2 – ‘Forgive me Lord’, ‘Yahoo’

Bunny Jesus – ‘Yahoo. This what I came for’, ‘Okey doke’

Bunny Pontius Pilate – ‘Whazza Whazza Wa’

Strong dialogue from the youngster. Twitter loved it, which is why it has been shared nearly 14,000 times and attracted more than 1,200 comments. These are a few favourites.

The proud dad summed up people’s reactions perfectly.