This puppy’s first bath is 9 seconds of pure ‘awwww!’
There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘aww’ which describes itself as a place for ‘Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on… A place for really cute pictures and videos!’
And there has surely not been a better ‘aww’ video than this one.
Only one word for that.
‘You either get the one who hates the water and baths, or get the one who loves the water and mud.’
LFunkenstein‘Mine will swim all day in a lake but it’s an absolute tragedy if he has to take a shower.’
SulavT‘Mine lays on her back in the warm water and gives me a very dirty look when I drain the sink.’
TaterTottsie‘Wish my dog was like that washing her feels more like I am torturing it.’
secretmeta‘Oh my! Hanging on for dear life! Cute lil hugger!’
okkayj‘Them eyes can melt steel!’
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Source Reddit u/1q8b