This clever comeback was the icing on the self-own
Redditor extraordinaire, u/beerbellybegone, spotted this spectacular self-own and comeback – and shared it with their followers.
They added –
Breaking world speed records running away from reality.
Other Redditors were also shaking their heads at the idiot so devoted to posting nonsense that they wanted to hide from the fact-checkers – and, presumably, the facts.
I used to have a friend that became a flat earther. He was a goldmine of posts like this until he finally blocked me for “always attacking” his ideas. ‘Critical thinking is for sheep, bro.’
When did lying become so popular?
fowlraulIt’s always been popular. It’s easy fact-checking that is fairly new.
I know so many people like this… sad really.
My favorite is when you prove them wrong and then they just say, “I FEEL differently, ok?!? I’m entitled to my opinion, it’s a free country.”
Since the dawn of civilization. Most people will take a comforting lie over an inconvenient truth.
Imagine telling on yourself that hard.
This person is what happens when confirmation bias becomes your entire worldview.
Guys, I’m sick and tired of reality. How can I block it and make up my own?
A Redditor named u/etiQQuepointed had this ironic comment.
Fact checkers can’t do their own research.
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A fact checking site put covidiots’ minds at rest and Brian Cox’s response was 10/10
Source r/clevercomebacks Image r/clevercomebacks