
‘Jeff Goldblum meets Jeff Goldblum’ is 49 seconds of pure joy

This is just the content we needed right now, the fabulous moment Jeff Goldblum (aka comedian Matt Friend) met Jeff Goldblum (aka the real Jeff Goldblum) and it’s 49 seconds of pure joy.

The clip’s just gone viral on Reddit and these are our favourite things people said about it.

‘There were moments in that when I really wasn’t sure which one was talking, lol.’

‘Whaddya mean. It was just Jeff Goldblum on stage.’

‘He’s such a great actor he can play two people at the same time.’

‘The fact they both had the same lozenge is hilarious. Kudos for not just being a comedian, but being a comedian that’s attentive to the full details and commits to the act.’

‘When he mentioned the lozenge you could see Jeff’s face light up because he KNEW he was definitely carrying one, highlight of the dudes comedy act.’

‘Jeff Goldblum is reproducing thru mitosis.’

You can follow Matt Friend on Twitter here and on YouTube over here.


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Source Matt Friend H/T Reddit u/Hoku_Boy