
Fox News thinks Boris Johnson was ousted because he ‘became woke’ – no, really!

As a rule of thumb, if it’s on Tucker Carlson’s show, it didn’t happen, and this so-called explanation of Boris Johnson’s downfall fits right in with that.

He was going to stick it to the elites, but he very quickly got sucked in by the sort of globalist agenda, you know, he spent a lot of time sucking up to Macron and Merkel that he forgot he’s a Conservative.

He went very hard on lockdown, very hard on vaccines. He became woke and then he fully signed up to this Greta Thunberg idea of the world is ending.

He fell in with that elite crowd and he was travelling the world. He did a lot of time trying to save Ukraine and all of these things.

He even had the hair like Trump but it just didn’t come through in the end.

He became woke? We must have missed that while we were distracted by the racist and homophobic slurs, the boozy lockdown parties and finding out he had a £7000 rug.

People who actually know what happened, as opposed to someone who thinks making a video for Johnson’s leadership campaign makes them his advisor, were stunned by the nonsense they were hearing.

They’d have been better off inviting Larry the Cat onto the show.

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Boris Johnson is gone but not gone – 19 tweets that nail exactly where we are now

Source Haggis_UK Image Screengrab