
This pro-gun Republican was so close to getting it, and yet so very far away

We have to confess we hadn’t come across Matt Gaetz too much before, apart from knowing that he’s a super big fan of Donald Trump.

We mention the Republican congressman for Florida because he’s been outlining why he’s opposing an ‘active shooter alert system’ on people’s mobile (oh go on then, cellular) phones.

And his reasoning why is quite the listen.

So close and yet so far, Congressman!

‘One has to ask, what is the true purpose of this bill?

‘Why do Democrats want to use the power of government to bombard your cell phone with active shooter alerts 24 hours a day 7 days a week?

‘It’s because they want you to be afraid of the Second Amendment.

‘It’s because they want you to be afraid of responsible gun ownership, and they hope that if they program you and bombard you long enough, that you’ll hate your own Second Amendment rights, or that you may tattle on your neighbor who is lawfully and rightfully exercising theirs.

‘The American people should not fall for this.’

In short … He’s not afraid of the active shooter, just the active shooter alerts!

And here are our favourite things people said about it after the clip went viral on Reddit.

“If the house is on fire, turn off the smoke alarm.” — Fire Marshal Gaetz

‘I mean, his idol said we’d have fewer COVID-19 cases if we stopped testing.’

‘If only there were a way to prevent that from happening …’


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