
This attempt to embarrass a climate change activist has gone viral all over again

You might remember that extraordinary exchange on Talk Radio back in the day when presenter Mike Graham tried to own Insulate Britain spokesperson Cameron Ford.

When we say ‘back in the day’ it was the thick end of a year ago now – a year! – and we mention it because it’s just gone wildly viral all over again on Reddit.

And even if you’re not discovering it for the first time, it’s a proper jaw-dropping watch.

Cameron Ford: Morning Mike.

Mike Graham: Oh hello. What you glued to Cameron?

CF: Just your screen unfortunately.

MG: Unfortunately … what do you do for a living, Cameron?

CF: I’m a carpenter.

MG: A carpenter. Right, so how safe is that for the climate?

CF: Well, I work with timber which is a much more sustainable material rather than concrete.

MG: But you work with trees that have been cut down, don’t you?

CF: It’s a sustainable building practice.

MG: How is it sustainable if you are killing trees?

CF: Because it’s regenerative, you can grow trees.

MG: Right, well you can grow all sorts of things can’t you?

CF: Well, you can’t grow concrete.

MG: You can.

[A pause. A very long pause.]

MG: See you Cameron, cheerio. That was Cameron, he grows trees and then cuts them down and makes things from them. Brilliant, marvellous. I don’t think I ever want to talk to any of those people.

And here are our favourite things Redditors said about it.

‘That was a smooth move staying silent, presenter ended up looking like such an idiot.’

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” – Napoleon

‘The tone with which he says, “That’s Cameron. He’s grows trees, then cuts them down, and builds thing from them.” is absurdly hilarious. Like he’s acting like he’s killed him with a zinger, when he’s just explaining a normal part of a particular occupation.’

‘An underrated moment in an amazing video: “I don’t think I ever want to talk to any of those people.” Wow, taking a brutal stance against carpenters.’

‘Mike Graham, the man that hates carpenters and grows concrete.’

‘He came well prepared. Only spoke his answers. Never said more to justify them. And most importantly, never let his emotions interfere and give them the rise they want.’


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Source Reddit u/thelonelyasshole