
Way to go, Nads! Say farewell to Nadine Dorries with 21 of her funniest foul-ups and facepalms

One of Boris Johnson’s most fervent allies, Nadine Dorries, has joined Priti Patel in quitting the Cabinet following Liz Truss’s Tory leadership win.

The culture secretary and occasional author had been offered the chance to stay but followed her hero out of government, and is now expected to be given a peerage in Johnson’s resignation honours list.

Well, of course she is.

So what better way to wave goodbye than with these 21 most memorable Nadine Dorries facepalms and foul-ups.

1. This entire BBC Breakfast interview


2. When it looked like she was rowing a boat on Sky News


3. This magnificent encounter with Krishan Guru-Murthy on Channel 4 News

4. When she appeared not to know very much about digital, culture, media or sport


5. When she tweeted about World War 11 after a Conservative by-election defeat


6. When she did this rap about online safety


7. When she admitted she shares her Netflix account

8. When she was so confidently incorrect about Channel 4

9. When she thought the internet was 10 years old



10. When she made this schoolboy error about Channel 5

11. When she complained Britain wouldn’t have any MEPs after Brexit
