
17 WTF pictures that will have you hollering from ‘all things trashy’ on Reddit

There’s a corner of Reddit called r/trashy which, as the name suggests, is devoted to ‘all things trashy’.

Much of it is made up of pictures that pose so many questions that we don’t know where to start. And one of those questions is nearly always ‘WTF?’

And these 17 pictures surely sum it up best.

1. ‘Halfway into the pizza, noticed there’s a huge footprint inside the pizza box’


2. ‘Trashy’


3. ‘Sure the gas station is perfect place to throw away your sex doll’


4. ‘I work at a rental car company and this is a truck that got returned today’


5. ‘Dining & Dashing’


6. ‘Using the only fan in a crowded, warm waiting room to cool off your hot box’


7. ‘Thankfully I didn’t bring my baby’


8. ‘This store’


9. ‘Adam didn’t tell them he was moving’
