
Entitled parents force an umpire to abandon a game and their parting shot is next level laughable

We’ve never been the sort of parent to shout and holler at our children from the touchline, which made us feel both proud and guilty at the same time.

But fear not – we’re not about to pull up the analyst’s couch for another 50-minute session – we mention it because of this video that has just gone viral on Reddit.

It’s a bunch of entitled parents who were so entitled – so entitled – that they ended up forcing this umpire to abandon the game rather than put up with any more of his nonsense.

You don’t have to appreciate or understand baseball to know exactly how this guy was feeling.

And it’s the last thing they shout that really makes it (sound up!)

And just in case you missed that at the end …

“This guys a firefighter who protects your neighbourhood…”

And here are our favourite things people said about it.

“This guys a firefighter who protects your neighbourhood…” Yet he couldn’t act like an adult and not interrupt a little league game.’

“He’s a firefighter? Oh why didn’t you say earlier! Keep the harassment coming!”

‘I don’t care who he is — you act like an asshole, you’re an asshole, regardless of profession.’

‘Great job by this unpire, parents/adults are ruining youth sports with shit like this. Got a lot of adults acting like these games are important and setting terrible examples for the kids.’

‘Not to mention that the majority of them are volunteering their time for these kids.. its a shame that these kids had their game canceled but hopefully they know who is really to blame.’

‘Them parents really stretching those firefighter privileges.’

‘He’s a firefighter? Like, what does that have to do with anything?

‘Are we thanking firefighters for their service now and ceding any social situations to their whims? GTFOOH!’

To conclude …

“I feel fine” was a beautiful response.’


The payoff to this row about God and evil just gets better and better

Source Reddit u/1q8b