
Trump’s barely believable trading cards are so much better set to the Mr Benn theme

By now, you’ve probably seen Donald Trump’s new scam money-making venture – the Trump NFT trading cards.

Presumably you’ve then pinched yourself, checked the website in disbelief and pinched yourself again, before sitting shaking your head for several minutes.

We reckon the very talented @jasemonkey did all that too, but then he pulled himself together and made this.

The images are even more mindblowing when they’re passing before your eyes accompanied by the Mr Benn theme, but it works. It just does. Top work, Jase.

Here’s what people have been saying about it.

We think author and scriptwriter Eddie Robson might have a point.

Bonus: Jase worked out the theme on guitar.

Another triumph. If that grabbed your attention, you can see more of his playing on YouTube or listen to his podcast.

All his links are conveniently gathered here.


Right Said Fred and dancing Trump – a match made in comedy heaven

Source The Jase Image Screengrab