
This woman’s response to a man wearing make-up on Tinder got all the responses it deserved

This Tinder exchange has gone viral on Reddit because of this woman’s response to the concept of men wearing make-up.

And we’re glad to say she got all the responses she deserved.

And here’s exactly what people made of that.

‘She’s just mad she doesn’t have the glow like you.’


‘STOP Make-up police!! Put down that lipgloss immediately!! Hands where I can see them!
I hope you got a gay lizenz with you sir!’

“Don’t ask dumb questions”

‘Proceeds to ask a dumb question.’

‘Bro you’re gorgeous for real. Idk why people are so ignorant and rude these days.’

‘Coming from a hetero dude: You look stunning. She doesn’t know shit.’

Source Reddit u/lavidacomojago