
The takedown of this mansplainer is today’s most satisfying thing

Latest in a regular series, today’s comeback of the day makes for an especially satisfying read.

It was shared by Redditor beerbellybegone who said: ‘It’s in her title.’

Take that, Captain Matt.

‘He’s got 3 American flag emojis though, that’s functionally 3 medical degrees.’

‘98% chance matt has no clue what obgyn means. 🤣’

‘Some obgyns may be closer than they appear.’

‘Humans aren’t meant to live in a world where everyone is connected with each other on the same platforms.

‘Or at least we haven’t come close to evolving socially to figuring out how it should work.

‘We have the most powerful tools every created for communication and Twitter is owned by a dude and some oil billionaires. It’s super weird.’

Source Reddit u/beerbellybegone