
This 100-year-old prediction from a newspaper in 1923 just went wildly viral

This newspaper clipping from back in 1923 has gone viral on Reddit because, while it’s not entirely on the money, it’s not far off either.

‘The Year 1923 Predicts 2023,’ said Redditor Monsur_Ausuhnom.

Here are just a few of the many things people said about it.

‘Oh cool, someone from 1923 time travelled to 2023 for a night.’

‘F-ck Nostradamus, who was this guy?’

‘A time traveler from later this year, clearly.’

‘Can we find him and get a message back to 1923? There’s a few edits I’d like to make to our timeline.’

Here’s exactly what people made of those numbers.

‘I’m in LA county: minimum wage $15 ($120 a day) and I saw eggs at $9.99 the other day. So yeah…’

‘I’m in BC and min wage is 15.65 so literally $125.2 a day. And eggs after tax are almost exactly $10 for a dozen right now (organic large eggs sure, but still).

‘But average rent here is around $85 a day, so there’s that.’

‘I’m in Vancouver and thus is 99% accurate based on our min wage and egg prices.’

And just in case you were wondering, here’s where it was from.

‘Delta Independent (Delta Co., Colorado), 19 October 1923, p8.

‘I also particularly enjoy the bit above this paragraph.

“Many people who are trying to acquire “personality,” but they can’t get it merely by talking as if they thought everyone was deaf.”

‘Seems to accurately capture influencer-culture.’

Source Reddit u/Monsur_Ausuhnom