
‘This is my life now’ 21 times people (and animals) were hilariously resigned to their fate

There’s a rather fabulous corner of Reddit called ‘This is my life now’ which is full of pictures of people (and animals, occasionally both) who have been thrown a comedy curveball by fate.

Or, as the subReddit succinctly puts it, ‘gifs or pics of people and animals accepting their uncommon situations’.

And these 21 especially uncommon situations are sure to make your (if not their) day better.

1. ‘This made my day!’


2. ‘When you leave your kid alone for one minute…’


3. ‘So I Sits, Then’


4. ‘Get puppies they said, it will be fun, they said’


5. ‘Cat After Surgery’


6. ‘Guess I’m A Duck Lover Now’


7. ‘We got bored and our cat is a heavy sleeper, so we helped him live up to his nickname’


8. ‘Well done, little guy! Well done!’


9. ‘Motherhood’


10. ‘Play it cool, nobody will notice’


11. ‘Seeing double’
