
A pro-Trump Fox News guest had the Freudian Slip of the Year

When lawyer Brian Claypool appeared on Fox News, he was simply there as another talking head to ramp up support for Donald Trump – which is, after all, the abiding mission of the channel.

In answering one question, he accidentally said the quiet part out loud, and it’s absolutely beautiful.

@accountablegop Fox News guest Brian Claypool’s accidental Freudian slip, on Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump: “I think there’s no question about it, that he wants to humiliate President Fraud.” #gop #republican #accountability #never #trump #politics #politcal #news #foryou #fy #fyp ♬ original sound – AccountableGOP

Calling the person you’re there to defend ‘President Fraud‘ is special, but that little jump as he realises what he’s done is –

via Gfycat

TikTok users loved it.

He got it right the 1st time lol.

This slip will live on forever.
@chimney guy

He meant that.

No truer words were ever spoken.

The Republican Accountability account also shared the clip on Twitter, where it received a lot more love.

Almost inevitably …


Fox News trying to put a positive spin on Trump’s indictment is a fabulously funny watch

Source @accountableGOP Image Screengrab