
‘Quit your BS!’ 17 times people were fact checked in the most brutal and entertaining fashion

It’s always a pleasure when someone is fact checked in the most brutal and entertaining way, and these 17 – from the corner of Reddit called ‘quit your bullshit’ – are up there with the best.

1. ‘IKEA correcting a concerned American citizen on how to properly display the US flag’


2. ‘Burden of proof’


3. ‘Fake review before the restaurant even opens’


4. ‘Astrologer gets told by an astronomer’


5. ‘Dasher never text back :(‘


6. ‘Milwaukee club owner responds to negative review of a staff member’


7. ‘One Star Review For A Wedding Officiant’


8. ‘Not the gospel truth?’


9. ‘My ANTIvaxx aunt that no one really likes, has made an interesting post on Facebook. After I responded she pmed me this’
