
This driver self-destructed after being caught without a seatbelt and it’s quite the watch

If you only watch one body cam video this week – what do you mean you weren’t intending on watching any body cam videos? – then make it this one.

It’s a driver who was caught by a cop who suspected him of not wearing a seat belt and the motorist’s mounting fury is a proper jaw-dropper.

We don’t know what the over-reaction limit is in this part of town, but he’s surely broken that too.

The clip went viral after it was shared on Reddit – you can watch the full video at Code Blue Cam on YouTube here – and here are our favourite things people said in response.

‘I’m gonna rip up my own money and destroy my own stuff!!! That’ll teach you to give me a ticket!!!’

‘Wife does not seem surprised.’

‘He also has clearly read my book, How to Make Your Bad Day Much Worse.’

‘That sure showed… him? himself? I don’t know what he was attempting with this.’

“I broke my glasses. Do you like that?” “Yeah.”

And you can find lots more of this sort of thing at Code Blue Cam here.

Source YouTube Code Blue Cam Reddit u/DashcamTime