
The fury of this scammer given a taste of their own medicine is simply magnificent

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a scammer being given a taste of their own medicine, and it doesn’t come much more epic – or satisfying – than this.

‘Scammer Watches $455K Vanish After Wasting 1 Year,’ said Kitboga over on Reddit.

One year! And their reaction is a fabulously funny watch.

Scammer Watches $455K Vanish After Wasting 1 Year
by u/Kitboga in funny

It turns out Kitboga is something of an expert at this sort of thing (you can find more – lots more – on YouTube here).

And here are just a few of the many things people said in response.

‘Why’d you pick a 3 it looks just like a B 😂.’

‘You are the most motherfuck- 🤣🤣.’

‘The salt you manage to produce is sweeter than pure sugar.’

‘Kit’s year-long taunting of Joey B is now legendary in the Kitbogaverse. It has everything – hilarious scenarios, raging scammers, crying scammers, laughing scammers, fake presidents and lots of crows. It’s S-tier stuff :).’

‘The legend himself! I watched your whole video where you were the grandma and you “cashed in” the fake gift cards to buy the nice scammer wedding presents and I nearly died laughing. Every time he screamed and cried I just loved it even more. Sublime.’

‘Thank you so much for what you do. Not only is it entertaining, but you’re educating so many people and helping in so many ways. Thank you!!’

Source Reddit Kitboga