Feast your eyes on this map of the most popular ‘Dadisms’ in every US state
A survey by sports website betting.us looked into dad jokes and sayings right across the US, mapping their results for the rest of us to enjoy.
We probably don’t even need to tell you that “Hi, Hungry. I’m Dad.” turned out to be the most popular dadism overall. We suspect that’s a worldwide thing, and if aliens ever arrive – they’ll say it too.
Here’s the map.
Let’s pick out some highlights –
“I’m not sleeping; I’m just resting my eyes.” most popular in 8 states – including Florida, where a lot of them probably are resting their eyes.
“Back in my day …” was Top of the Pops in six states, where it’s probably followed by “You could buy ten of those for a dollar.”
“Ask your mother!” led the pack in five states. There was no data on how the mothers felt about that.
There was a surprisingly weak showing from “Were you raised in a barn?” in just three states and we’re shocked that Iowa wasn’t one of them.
As a bonus, these are the ‘dadisms’ and habits that moms found most annoying. See if you agree.
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Source Betting.us Image Betting.us, Phillipneho on Pixabay