
The moon landing anniversary sent this Buzz Aldrin smackdown viral again and it’s never less than magnificent

It was the 54th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon this week and one of the three men on board, Buzz Aldrin, celebrated in style.

Nice watch(es) Buzz!

And it was presumably the anniversary that sent this this clip of the great man viral again, an encounter with a conspiracy theorist who decided to get right in Aldrin’s face.

And it’s fair to say it didn’t end well for him.

‘There was an attempt … to call Buzz Aldrin a liar about walking on the moon,’ said MeenMisterMustard who posted it on Reddit.

to call Buzz Aldrin a liar about walking on the moon
by u/MeenMisterMustard in therewasanattempt

And here are a few of our favourite comments it prompted this time round.

‘It’s one small hook for a man, one giant punch to a manchild.’

‘Provoke, escalate, provoke, escalate, provoke, provoke… Punched in the face. Look shocked?!’

‘Definitely landed on that chin.’

‘I love Buzz Aldrin for this video. Calling this man a liar because you want to believe some bullshit tinfoil hat theory over fact is beyond idiotic.’

Source Reddit u/MeenMisterMustard