A bridesmaid wanted to bring her fiancée to a hen party and the internet spoke as one
There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘choosing beggars’ where people try to get stuff on the cheap or for free.
And this tale of a bridesmaid who wanted to bring her fiancee to a hen (bachelorette) party went viral and it’s fair to say people had thoughts, lots of thoughts …
The person who posted it, kitty-jamboree, was slight in two minds whether she’d don’t the wrong thing, asking: ‘Should this be on here or AITA? Bridesmaid thought I would pay for her to have her own room with her boyfriend…or did I interpret it wrong?’
But it turned out she need not have worried.
And here are our favourite things people said about it.
‘This is going to be the most awkward weekend ever, can I come? I’m going to need my own room.’
PossumJenkinsSoles‘I’m going to need a room also, but my partner will be joining. It’s really our honeymoon, hope you don’t mind subsidizing.’
Botbot123432‘My wife couldnt pay me to be anywhere near the bachelorette party. Like go away and have a good time.
‘Don’t invite me and don’t feel like you need to contact me unless you REALLY need/want to or its an emergency.’
redfarmhunt“This weekend doubles as our vacation”
‘No. It really doesn’t.’
xptx‘I’m more stuck on the fact she wanted to bring her partner on a bachelortte party. Is she not able to be away from him for a couple of days to hang out with the girls – the whole reason the trip was planned>
‘Is she expecting him to hang out with everyone while you do girly things? Is she going to insist he come along?
‘If she does bring him, assume she will take most of the time to be with him and ditch the gang. If she has paid for anything where finances are combined, I wonder if she will ask for money back if she decides not to go and spend time with her partner.
‘This seems a little odd in my mind.’
lonelyronin1‘I would bet my entire life that if the fiancé was going to a stag weekend with his mates, this type of arrangement would never even be a consideration.
‘Even if (biiiiig if) he did want her there, he would never ask the groom/best man.’
To conclude …
‘I think you handled that really well. She wanted you to pay for her holiday with her boyfriend.’
Source Reddit u/kitty-jamboree Image Unsplash Zoriana Stakhniv