
This clip from the US remake of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ comes with a ‘Trigger warning’

The long running sitcom ‘Only Fools and Horses‘ is widely lauded as one of the greatest ever made, making household names of its stars, providing several catchphrases which endure to this day and, most recently, spawning a hugely successful West End show.

Such was its popularity that, in 2012, the American network ABC decided to commission a pilot for a US version, hoping to capture some of the magic of the original.

Sadly, it was not to be. Here’s a clip, shared by Tom Mayhew on Twitter, which may provide some clues as to why it wasn’t made into a full season.

As Tom points out, “This is a Trigger warning, for nothing I can say will adequately prepare you for what they did to the beloved British character.”

Well, that’s certainly different!

Let’s take a dip into the comments…

And if that car crash of a clip has you morbidly curious for more, then you’re in luck. Here’s an excellent in depth look at ‘Everything Wrong with the US Only Fools and Horses Adaptation’ by Tom Mayhew who posted the original clip.

Look out for Christopher Lloyd who is playing the Grandad character!

Source @TomMayhew