
The Daleks invaded BBC Breakfast and these regional news anchors’ hilariously deadpan responses were just magnificent

As you can’t possibly have missed by now, it’s the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who on the BBC and there’s no end of celebrations to mark the occasion, including the return of the great David Tennant in the lead role.

We mention it because as part of the anniversary shenanigans, the Daleks turned up on BBC Breakfast on Thursday.

And while they were entraining enough by themselves, what made it – what really made it – was the reaction of all the various presenters as the programme switched to the BBC News regions.

And it might just be the best 64 seconds you spend today, as collated by all-round top telly critic, @scottygb.

They’re all good, obviously, but we reckon Eleanor Moritz just shades it.

And for all things TV related, follow @scottygb here!

Source @scottygb