
Sky’s Sophy Ridge totally lost it during the James Cleverly ‘shithole’ story and it was some much needed light relief

The saga of James Cleverly’s shithole looks set to run and run after the newly appointed Home Secretary came under further pressure over abusive comments in made in the House of Commons.

To recap, it all began when Labour MP Alex Cunningham asked Rishi Sunak at PMQs: ‘Why are 34% of children in my constituency living in poverty?’

Cleverly was heard – at least, some people thought they heard him – responding with: ‘Because it’s a shit-hole.’

Initial denials were followed up by his explanation that he did in fact say it, but that he was talking about the MP, not the Labour held constituency.

Anyway, we mention all this because Sky’s Jon Craig was doing a valiant job of explaining all this on Sky News when presenter Sophy Ridge just couldn’t take it any more.

‘Another one for Denis …’

Source @SophyRidgeSky