Celebrity books jay rayner

Jay Rayner gave Johann Hari both barrels about his new book and his correction took it to a whole new level

Johann Hari’s got a new book out about anti-obesity drugs such as Ozempic called Magic Pill and the Guardian’s review is well worth a read.

Hari, you might already know, left his Independent columnist job after it was revealed he had stolen quotes and libelled rivals via online sockpuppet accounts, as the Guardian’s review recalls here (Hari later admitted he had ‘failed badly’ – read all about that here).

And we mention it because Observer restaurant critic, TV presenter and much else besides Jay Rayner is mentioned in the new book. Just not entirely accurately, it turns out. And it’s fair to say Rayner wasn’t holding back on Twitter.

To which the only response is surely …

Hari later apologised.

And it was accepted by Rayner.

Except …

Ooft indeed.

Source @hansmollman @jayrayner1