Life relationships

Couples shared the one thing their partner does that drives them up the wall – 17 occasionally hideously relatable complaints

Time now for a bit of couples therapy time – don’t worry, you don’t both have to be here. In fact, it would probably help if it was just you.

Because people have been sharing the one thing their partner does that drives them up the wall after Redditor TheBaronofIbilin asked – you guessed it – this, over on ‘Ask Reddit’.

‘Married couples or long term daters, what is the one thing that your partner does that drives you up the wall?’

And they weren’t all hideously relatable. But the ones that were, hit home.


‘Putting intact (not broken down) cardboard boxes in the recycling bin.

“Babe, the bin is full again.” I go look, and there’s 3 Amazon boxes in it. Madness.’


‘Been married for 38 years and I still love her dearly. But she’ll be late to her own funeral.’

‘My grandfather was like that, and we joked about being late for his own funeral…so when he died, we had his coffin brought in after everyone arrived and started looking around in confusion. Some thought it was tacky and disrespectful, but most thought it was hilarious and perfect.’


‘My wife is a heel striker, meanwhile I constantly give her heart attacks because you can’t hear me walk around the house lol.’

‘Same. My wife is 5’1” and maybe 105. When I hear her clomping around the house, I tell her to dismount and give that horse a rest.’


‘Stacks the dishwasher in a fucked way. There are spots for specific things! Why are you putting shit askew and in the wrong spot?’


‘My wife rejects the concepts of physics, like how much stuff can fit in a cupboard.’


‘This is more funny than infuriating. He has a precognitive ability to be in the way in the kitchen.

‘Let’s say I’m baking cookies. I need the sugar so he’s in front of the pantry. I’ll ask him to move so he moves in front of the measuring cup drawer that I need next.

‘Then when I ask him to scoot again he’s in front of the fridge where I need to grab butter and eggs, then he’s in front of the trash can when I need to toss the shells. It’s kind of amazing honestly.’


‘My wife has a photographic memory. That drives me up the wall, especially during fights when she can recall dates and times of when I did something stupid.’


‘My husband never watches where he is going or what he’s doing. I joke that when we leave the house I need to put a child leash on him.

‘He wanders obliviously into restricted areas, such as behind the ropes or tables at a casino or into the middle of a jousting match at a ren fair.’


‘She wants to do all the chores together.

‘Such a waste of time. Divide and conquer so we can both be sipping drinks on the deck at lunch!’