Politics election sky news

This Sky News man’s righteous fury at the Tory chairman refusing to answer his question had everyone cheering

When it comes to capturing exactly how well the Conservative election campaign is going, it’s not quite up there with Rishi Sunak’s decision to leave the D-Day commemorations early, but it’s very close.

It’s the Tory party chairman Richard Holden who, you might have heard, has been parachuted into a particularly safe Conservative seat in Essex after previously saying he was ‘bloody loyal’ to the constituents that he previously represented in north west Durham.

Sky News chief political correspondent Jon Craig was naturally keen to ask him about it, and just when you think it can’t get any more awkward for the Conservative Party chief …. it does.

Mega oof.

And the full video of their exchange, such as it was, is even more striking.

They do know there’s an election on don’t they?

And just a few of the things people were saying about it today.

Over to Sam Coates, the Sky man who brilliantly put those questions to Rishi Sunak about his D-Day evacuation last week.

To conclude …

And this.

And finally, this.


Esther McVey told contistuents the Tory party ‘always gets the country back on its feet’ and their hilarious response was simply magnificent

Source @christiancalgie