Videos euros scotland

These Scottish football fans are going large in Germany and keep your eye on the piper (watch to the end!)

Here’s a fabulous 9 seconds to get you in the mood for the Euros which kick off in Germany on Friday when the home nation take on Scotland.

And these Scotland fans are already in the mood – really in the mood – as they went large in Munich, as shared by @scottishmaninavan on TikTok.

It’s a fabulous watch, almost entirely because of the fabulous piper (watch to the end!).

Ooof! It’s the swinging light where he used to be standing that really makes it (or maybe that’s just us).

And just to reassure everyone concerned about the poor guy’s welfare …

Absolute stamina of the dude!

And if it reminded you of something, you weren’t alone.

And if you still need reminding.


This fabulous tale in 3 parts is surely the loveliest thing you’ll read this week

Source @JamesRWithers TikTok @scottishmaninavan