Celebrity conservatives election

A second Tory’s being investigated over election bets and no-one nailed the timing of this Conservative attack ad better than Dave Rowntree

The big election news today is that a second Conservative Party candidate is being ‘looked into’ by the gambling regulator over a bet relating to the timing of the General Election.

And not just any candidate but Laura Saunders, who is standing in Bristol North West and is – get this – the wife of Tory director of campaigning Tony Lee, who’s now taken a leave of absence.

The BBC’s revelation comes after Rishi Sunak’s closest aide Craig Williams apologised for placing a £100 bet on a July election three days before the PM announced the 4 July date.

And we mention it not just because it’s yet another emblem of how well the Conservatives campaign is going – although it is – but because of the jaw-dropping timing of the Tory party’s latest attack ad.

And no-one highlighted it better than Blur drummer (and Labour candidate) Dave Rowntree.

‘My timeline today,’ said Rowntree.

What a bunch of Country Houses.

We’d show you the ad in full but they’ve unsurprisingly deleted it (and you’ve seen enough already and the humiliation is already complete).

And here our favourite things people said about it.

To conclude …


A letter to the Economist may hold the most succinct assessment of the Tories you’ll see this side of the election

Source @DaveRowntree