Politics channel 4 election Emily maitlis

Emily Maitlis took brutal aim at Stephen Flynn and it might be the most savage takedown of an epic election night

There have been no end of memorable moments on election night, and not all of them to do with the extraordinary result.

And a handful of them were all down to Emily Maitlis, who co-anchored Channel 4’s coverage along with Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

First of all there was the look on the former Newsnight presenter’s face as she had to deal with Nadine Dorries (surely a booking they have now come to regret).

And then there was the moment she took aim at Stephen Flynn, leader of the Scottish National Party in the House of Commons, after a night for the SNP which is most kindly described as catastrophic.

Fair play to Flynn – invariably an admirable performer in the Commons – he took it in good spirit.


Whichever BBC camera operator did this, give yourself a pay rise and take next week off

Source @David_Challen