Social Media funny

19 far more accurate names for everyday things

Sometimes, a thing has the perfect name to describe what it is or what it does, like the Scottish gritter fleet, for example.

Other times, however, the English language could do better.

Helpfully, some cunning linguists were on hand to help when Redditor @Ok-Tension9635 asked:

What is badly named, and what is a better name for it?

Honestly, some of these are so inspired, that we should start a campaign to officially swap the names.


“Red onions should be purple onions.”


“Otto Preminger wrote his own biography and failed to title it Otto-Biography.
Once in a lifetime pun, and he just threw it away.”



“Cords, chargers etc. for Apple devices should be branded as Apple Juice.”


“I always thought we needed to correct the singular and plural names of animals that have a double O in them.
Goose/geese – total cool and normal. Moose/meese – why can’t we have this? Shoop/sheep – or this?”



“Jetskis should have been called boatorcycles.”


“Astronomers should have been named skyentists.”


“I will never forgive the makers of Viagra for failing to call it Peniscillin.”


“Ears. Should be called hears.”


“‘Jellyfish’ is a misleading name since they’re neither jelly nor fish.”


“Dustpan should be ‘gride’ so we can have ‘gride and broom’.”