Life advice

Men aged forty-something have been giving advice to men in their 20s, but you don’t have to be a bloke to appreciate these 19 top tips

We could all benefit from some of the hard-earned wisdom of those who came before us.

Young men, especially, often need guidance from someone older that they admire or respect, so this Reddit thread is a treasure trove of good advice:

‘Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?’

And of course most of the advice applies to everyone, not just men, so enjoy the wisdom and perhaps share your own too.


“No matter what path you choose it will come with some regrets, so don’t worry about having any. You will. So get on with it.”


“Stop being so insecure, nobody is thinking about you as much as you think.”


“Learning to postpone gratification is key. Important goals like building wealth, advancing your career, nurturing relationships, maintaining fitness, and enhancing intelligence grow in small steps. Initially, progress may seem slow, but consistency pays off over time.”


“Spend time with your parents. Before you know it they will start getting old. They will get sick. They will start forgetting. They might not even remember your face one day. They will die.”


“Your 30s are a fuck-load better than your 20s.”


“Moisturize, wear sunscreen, and sunglasses.

“Buy good shoes, good tires and good mattresses. Protect your body with what goes between the earth and it. Eat healthy and don’t smoke or drink.

You can save all the money you want, but taking care of your body is an investment in your future self.”


“Never put your company ahead of yourself, because when push comes to shove your company will never, ever put you ahead of the bottom line.”


“Life’s too short to waste on a bad book. If you’re not enjoying it, put it down and pick up another one.”


“Don’t get too stressed about finding “the one”. You’ve still got plenty of learning to do, and it’s very easy to quickly get settled with a partner that’s not a perfect fit for you.”


“Stretch. It’s boring, and you will feel like you’re not doing anything, but make it a habit. Do it every day without thinking about it. Stretch.”