Round Ups r/AskReddit

What’s an adult problem you were not prepared for? – 17 adulting dilemmas taking people by surprise

Getting old is a privilege, but it’s not without its fair share of irritations too.

Even adults who seem to have their lives together can still get blindsided by the inevitable curveballs that all come our way at some time or another. To get an idea what what’s in store, Reddit user johnnybiggles asked this questions:

What’s an adult problem you were not prepared for?

If you’re an adult yourself, these answers will sound grimly familiar:


Decision fatigue. You’re telling me I need to decide what I’m going to eat for every meal myself? Plan ahead and make sure I buy the correct groceries to coincide with those decisions? No way….


How many chores there are. I did a lot as a kid but wow are there so many now.


Having to spend money nearly every single day. Groceries, gas, rent, car maintenance, insurance, student loans, utilities, household supplies, subscriptions, medicine, parking fees… it just never ends. Even when you think you’re done spending, something will inevitably break down and you’ll have to shell out $200+ to get it fixed. It’s madness.


All of them. I’m 42, and I still feel like a child who has stolen the identity of an adult.


Aches and pains but your not sure why or how you got them


How much time and effort goes into maintaining a home. Between cleaning, repairs, caring for the lawn and garden and managing bills, there is always something that needs attention


Doctors being the same age as you.
When you’re young, doctors are kind, wise authority figures.
When you’re an adult, they’re just some dude that thinks you make shit decisions.


Everyone getting old and dying on me


The never ending grind. After a couple of decades, I’m left wondering how the hell I’m going to keep going like this.