Entertainment The Simpsons tv

27 of the funniest scenes from The Simpsons that always make fans laugh

For almost 30 years, The Simpsons has been endlessly referenced, quoted and/or had clips shared, to say nothing of dubious claims that it can predict the future.

This week, Twitter/X user Jesse Hawken asked his followers to share the moments from the show that always makes them laugh.

And the replies are “perfectly cromulent” that should “embiggen” your sense of joy today.

1. “Enjoy your death trap ladies!”

2. “Oh yes, that crippled Irish man…”

3. “Get him scouts!”

4. “He can’t hurt you. He’s dead!”

5. “You got the dud!”


7. “I engaged in intercourse with your spouse or significant other”


9. “Okay Mr Burns, what’s your first name?”

10. “…and only two of those members have special rings”

11. “…the mattress square and true”

12. RIP Maude

13. “You’re not the time, Kent!”

14. “Incorrect Marge: TWO perfectly good jackets”