Celebrity elon musk star trek takedowns

Elon Musk wants to make the Starfleet Academy real and this Star Trek actor’s magnificent takedown went into orbit

It’s one of life’s pleasures – you’ve got to get them where you can, these days – when Donald Trump enthusiast Elon Musk is brutally owned on his own platform, and this one is straight from the top drawer.

It began when the Tesla and Twitter clown tweeted his enthusiasm for setting up a real-life Starleet Academy, a couple of days after a new series of the same name – yes, it’s another Star Trek spin-off – began production.

Musk, of course, has been messing around with space travel for a while now with some degree of success, and has his heart set on moving to Mars one day.

And it got plenty of enthusiastic replies like this …

… and thoughtful ones like this.

But the one that caught our attention was very much this, from actor Robert Picardo who you might known best as the Doctor on the Star Trek: Voyager series and also apparently in the new spin-off too.

Consider Musk well and truly trumped.

And here’s just a little bit – quite a lot, actually – of the love people had for him.











To conclude …

And this.

And this!

Source @elonmusk