Politics Keir Starmer lee anderson takedowns

Lee Anderson said Labour had barred Reform MPs from select committees and was schooled into the next parliament

Time to return – briefly – to the world of Lee Anderson, the Reform UK chief whip – ha! – who’s upset, really upset, that his party has no MPs on any of the House of Commons’ various select committees.

Specialist groups of MPs set up to investigate particular topics or areas of interest, not one Reform UK MP is currently on any of them, and here is what Anderson had to say about that today.

Not like Lee Anderson to throw his toys out of the pram, right?

But if he was grumpy before hitting send then these replies – all these replies – presumably won’t have helped.

Just in case he still doesn’t understqnd – and we’re presuming he knew all along – there was also this.

Or if you prefer it particularly straight-talking.


Lee Anderson wasn’t happy that MPs’ TV work might be banned, then got put in his place for a petty patronising outburst