US donald trump elon musk

Elon Musk’s assassination ‘joke’ was so misjudged that even he deleted it – only 13 responses you need

You’ll no doubt already know by now there’s apparently been a second assassination attempt on Donald Trump after a man was arrested and an AK-47 style assault rifle and scope recovered at a Donald Trump golf course in Florida.

We’ve rounded up some of the responses to the news here, but one we didn’t include came from Mars groupie Elon Musk, who said this in response to a man asking ‘why they want to kill Donald Trump?’

Fair play to Musk, he just achieved what we thought was surely impossible – he went even further down in our estimation.

It was so misjudged, in fact, that Musk – not a man we imagine who admits he’s wrong very easily – actually went and deleted it, later saying this, basically a passable impression of a dog with its tail between its legs.

And this.

And these are surely the only responses you need.





