Round Ups Ask Reddit sex

People are sharing the entirely pre-watershed things that are actually ‘better than sex’ – 17 fully clothed pleasures to die for

Sex is often held up as the ultimate idea of a good time, but is it overrated?

Studies have revealed that Gen Z aren’t getting it on as often as previous generations, and humorously pointing out mundane things that are better than sex has become a well-worn meme at this point.

And it was this line of thought that led to Reddit user @pretzel_saltyy posing this sincere question to the brains of r/AskReddit:

strong>’What is actually better than sex?’

Assuming that these other users have done the deed and know what they’re talking about, these are the things that are actually, categorically, better than sex.

‘The feeling you get when you know the next day is free, the fridge is full and the house is clean.’

‘You and your friend cracked up on a joke and have been laughing for the last five minutes. Your stomach hurts and the jaw pains but you can’t stop laughing. The laughter subsides slowly but soon your eyes meet, and the laughter ensues again.’

‘Feeling and being healthy. Like, just waking up and feeling physically 100%. Took it for granted so long.’

‘Waking up in the morning and realizing you can sleep for another two hours’

‘Financial stability.’

‘When you are desperate for a poop and you finally mount the throne.’

‘Someone who cares about your feelings.’

‘Waste-of-time meetings getting cancelled’

‘That moment of anticipation when you know you are going to have sex.’