Life America the UK work

This woman who worked in the US says English people hate her “directness” – 19 culture clash responses

It’s not easy to move to a new city, in another country, with a whole other set of customs and cultural peculiarities.

Given how different the American and British temperaments and attitudes to life are, it’s not surprising that some Americans might struggle to fit in when they move to the UK (and vice verse when Brits move to the States). Though we definitely have some common ground.

Academic Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura recently shared her thoughts about settling in the UK on the digital home of civilised, nuanced conversation these days – that is, Twitter/X.

The conversation is threaded below. It’s long, but it’s a really interesting read on how someone from outside the culture interprets the British mindset.

It boils down to: in the US, Arnesa, a Bosnian national, was praised and rewarded for being direct, passionate, and a “go-getter”, but in the UK, those very same qualities make people suspicious of or even dislike her. And, because of the British aversion to confrontation and willingness to embrace change, British people seem to stagnate and become more unhappy with their situation (be it work, a relationship etc).

Arnesa’s thread went viral, and people’s responses ranged from “hard relate” to “she’s got our number!” to “now hold on just a minute…”







