US donald trump Roseanne barr

Roseanne Barr showing off her Donald Trump gun is the most terrifying thing you’ll watch today

Roseanne Barr, the celebrity Trump fan and former sitcom star who six years ago was fired from her sitcom, Roseanne, after posting a racist tweet, has got a special Donald Trump handgun.

We mention this because Barr has been excitedly showing off her piece and it’s just as bizarre as you might think.

Except it’s not only bizarre it’s downright terrifying because, well, watch. And if you don’t find yourself instinctively ducking, we’ll give you your money back.

And it wasn’t just us who found ourselves bellowing ‘duck!’

In the interests of balance and all that, who knows if the safety was on (or off) and presumably it wasn’t loaded. But still!

Source @atrupar