US donald trump kamala harris takedowns

Kamala Harris’s Donald Trump burn was so subtle and yet so devastating and had the entire internet cheering

Time now to return to the US presidential race, where Kamala Harris sat down with Oprah Winfrey in a star-studded ‘visual rally’ live-streamed from the key battleground state of Michigan.

And we mention it because of one particular exchagen which had the entire internet – well, not the Maga bit obviously, cheering.

It came in a discussion about helping new businesses and it wasn’t quite ‘blink and you miss it’ but almost, a fabulous Donald Trump takedown that was so subtle, and yet so devastating.


And in the unlikely event you don’t know what Harris was referring to, rewind to last week’s presidential debate.

Nailed it.


Roseanne Barr showing off her Donald Trump gun is the most terrifying thing you’ll watch today

Source @Acyn