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‘What did the ‘weird kid’ in your school do that you’ll never forget?’ – 19 especially memorable eccentrics

Every school has its oddballs, the kind of unconventional thinkers who were probably bullied at the time but went on to be incredibly successful and rich entrepreneurs because they didn’t take the conventional route like everyone else. Reddit user donutmight asked the following question…

What did the ‘weird kid’ in your school do that you’ll never forget?

And there was no shortage of people who recalled some bizarre behaviour that made a big impression. Not weird – well, sometimes weird – but we prefer different. Individual. Mould breakers.


‘He was weird as fuck, but he smeared dog shit on his bully’s combination lock before school and everybody called the bully shit hands for 2.5 years.’


‘He brought a whole rotisserie chicken to class and ate it like an apple during a lecture.’


‘Climbed in to the first floor lab through the window as chemistry lesson was in progress, posed dramatically at the door, announced ‘Join me in the corridors of time’ and left.’


‘He had a tooth he was able to easily remove and put back in for some reason and would do it for a quarter. Surprisingly, I think he actually made quite a bit of money doing it because I constantly saw people paying him so good on him I guess.’


‘Caught a fly in the library and popped it in his mouth and swallowed it whole.’


‘In my school in Scotland, there was a guy called Willie. If you shouted ‘Willie give us a wiggle’ he would tuck his arms in like a T-rex and shake is hips back and forth. That image has never left me to this day!’


‘We had this kid in class that was bullied all through high school. Me and three others were the only people to talk to him and treat him as a normal human being (he was special and he knew that, so he didn’t mind standing out, he just disliked the bullying). The principal knew all about the bullying but never did anything about it but the kid never snapped.

Instead, he started an anonymous online blog where he’d post all details about the bullying school-wide and the principal called him into the office. The kid invited the local newspaper to join him. They wrote an entire article about it and the principal had to step up to ‘save the school’. The bullying also stopped and the kid was able to be weird again and could pick his nose and eat it without being bothered. Cool kid. Think he works at Apple now.’


‘Dude brought a waffle maker to school and during PE he stayed hidden in the dressing room until they locked it and then he chilled there and made some waffles for himself until the class ended and the dressing rooms were unlocked again.’


‘Released 20 cicadas caught in the field into a random classroom!’