Celebrity driving Rylan clark the UK

People were furious after Rylan Clark said they should thank drivers for stopping at pedestrian crossings and his A++ final word said it all

There are some social niceties that people just perform automatically.

Holding doors open. Thanking the bus driver as you get off.

But what about acknowledging drivers for stopping to let you cross the road?

TV presenter, football fan and national treasure Rylan Clark kicked off quite the debate when he tweeted that it’s rude not to pop your hand up to say thanks to drivers who stop at zebra crossings.

His full message reads:

Dunno how I deleted my tweet from earlier was looking at ur replies. Read like this.

“I know it’s the law and that pedestrians have right of way at zebra crossings… BUT SAY THANK YOU OR POP UR HAND UP. Rude pr**ks… (Stuck in traffic and annoyed).”

Didn’t realise would spark some massive debate. This hasn’t got anything to do with the law, who should do what, I’ve just been brought up to say thanks when a car slows down at a zebra crossing. Also, thanking a bus driver when you get off a bus. Things like that

When I was on Room101 this is something I put in as my subject. As a pedestrian, I’d always thank a driver stopping so I can cross. Whether it’s my right of way or not. For people tweeting “would you as a driver thank a pedestrian for walking along the pavement and not in the road?!?” – bit different babe.

“Are you annoyed they didn’t recognise you” – completely heartbroken

Just manners. Enjoy your day. Look both ways x”

How do you know something has really cut through as a talking point? It even made it to Good Morning Britain, where all the great ideas of the day are thrashed out.

And while it seems perfectly reasonable to us, we had no idea the level of road rage it was going to prompt.

To which Rylan had surely the best – and only – response.

No turning back from that.

Source: Twitter/X/@Rylan