Celebrity comebacks James Blunt ryanair

James Blunt asked Ryanair for a favour and the airline’s hilarious response was a real beauty

You might have seen a few days back James Blunt said he’d change his name if his debut album Back to Bedlam made it to number one for its 20th anniversary.

It prompted lots of funny responses, as we wrote about over here, like this.

And indeed this.

Or – you might have seen this coming – this.

Anyway, we mention it again because things appear to be moving apace, after Blunt asked Ryanair about the practicalities of changing his name on their ticket.

And we’re very glad he did, because Ryanair’s response was simply beautiful.

Just in case that doesn’t make 100% sense, here’s what the fabulous exchange from last month that they are referring to …

Well played, all round!

Looks like they are not going to be able to fix it for him.


James Blunt asked people what he should change his name to and it went just as well as you’d imagine – 17 chart toppers