Weird World comebacks flat earthers

This flat-earther challenged NASA to convince her otherwise and of all the many comebacks this reply beat all-comers

It doesn’t seem very long ago that flat earthers were a relic of the past or at least such a niche as to be basically invisible.

But thanks to social media and humanity’s general regression of late, they are a lot more prominent than they used to be. And they surely don’t come much more jaw-dropping than this.

It’s a challenge for NASA to convince this flat-earther otherwise and it’s just gone viral – not for the first time, we’d suggest – for reasons which will become apparent.

And it prompted lots of very funny and totally on-point replies …

… but this one surely beat all comers.

Nailed it.


This weather mansplainer refused to accept ‘you’re wrong’ for an answer and got all the responses he deserved

Source @PicturesFoIder