Life houses New York

This video tour of a tiny New York apartment with no toilet will make you grateful for your own pitiful gaff

If you want to lose hours of your day watching videos, then follow the Interior Porn account on Twitter/X.

It’s one of those accounts that posts videos from across social media, where ordinary people reveal how much they pay in rent and then give tours of their apartments.

For example:

Anyway, spend long enough watching these videos (as we have at The Poke, for, erm, research) and you’ll come across a wild range of budgets and apartment types, especially in major cities like New York.

This week, one such apartment tour went viral, and for good reason. In the video, we meet this cool-looking woman who says she pays $650 in rent.

What kind of of place can you get in New York City for that price, you might well ask? Well, wonder no more…

The apartment is obviously a shoebox, with a glorified big shelf serving as the bedroom. But as more than one Twitter/X user pointed out, the apartment was missing a fairly important feature.







