US donald trump

This montage of Trump claiming ‘big strong men’ called him sir and cried with gratitude is every bit as unbelievable as it sounds

We don’t know whether Donald Trump is a poker player, but we suspect he isn’t. If he were, we’d no doubt have heard by now that he was –

“The best player. I know so many things. Experts are amazed – they say they’ve never seen anyone play poker like me before. So good. I know all the cards.”

If DonOld were to indulge in the game, he’d almost certainly have at least one huge tell that would give his game away, because he has one in life for when a story is a downright lie – and it’s not just that his lips are moving …it’s ‘sir’.

Over the years, he’s told a number of stories about men coming up to him and saying something about how great Trump is, and they always address him as “Sir”. These anecdotes are either entirely BS or mangled beyond all recognition.

At the Economic Club of Chicago, he reached for a ‘sir’ story in answer to how he would help small businesses.

That cabinet maker’s name? Einstein!

People have grown wise to him.

Ron Filipkowski shared 26 of Trump’s ‘sir’ stories, and he pointed out another quirk of these fictions – the description of the men involved as big, strong and crying.

We’d love an interviewer to make him sit through that, but in the meantime, here are some favourite reactions to the montage.













This sounds far more plausible.


This stitch of eight years’ worth of Trump’s empty promises about a plan to replace ‘Obamacare’ is essential viewing

Source Ron Filipkowski Image Screengrab