Life Ask Reddit dating relationships

People have been sharing what’s ruined modern dating – 17 all too familiar tales of romantic woe

If the mood of the internet is anything to go by, dating is an agonising hellscape.

So much so that the thought of going out and meeting people in the hope of falling in love has been ruined. But how come? What is it about the modern world that has made dating so unbearable?

That’s what Reddit user Toomad316 wanted to find out when they posed this question to the ever-knowledgeable forum over at r/AskReddit:

‘What ruined dating for you?’

Here are some of the most popular responses that give you a clue into how rough it is out there…

‘Lack of effort and people only looking for what they can get out of someone.’

‘People who can’t communicate with you clearly acting like little kids. I can’t read your fucking mind just tell me what you’re thinking.’

‘The inability of other people to simply tell me what they are thinking or how they feel before things get to a point of no return.

‘It’s like I have to constantly keep an eye on my partners and watch out for things they want/that are wrong, instead of them simply asking or telling me when it becomes a problem in the first place… It’s unnecessarily stressful.’

‘Online dating gives the illusion of infinite options, so people window shop for love.’

‘Getting ghosted. I wish people would say what I’m doing wrong so I could change. I feel like a grave yard at this point.’

‘Narcissists. They really take a toll on you. Your whole life is upside down and not in a good way.’

‘Instead of talking they’re more focused on their phone.’

‘“I’m just an asshole, that’s just how I am”. Nope, nope, nope. Almost always an excuse for a terrible, inconsiderate person.’

‘Dating someone with borderline personality disorder. We dated for 6 months, but I’m still recovering from the emotional whiplash.’